Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gucci Suede Log Carrier

gucci-suede-log-carrierIf you are a Gucci aficionado, now you have a chance to shop what you desire. Think hard about what you would associate Gucci with. I will give you 5 seconds… 5…. 4…. 3…. 2…. 1. Now tell me if what you thought of was the Gucci Log Carrier. If you answered no, you are totally normal like the rest of us. If you actually said, "Why yes! That is exactly what I was thinking of!" well then you are really way too cool for me. I'm just really wondering who would want to carry hunks of dirty wood in a log carrier made by Gucci. What astonishes me even more is the mental picture of people carrying wood, dirty insect-filled wood, to their fireplaces in a Gucci log carrier. But like I always say - whatever floats your boat. If you have the money and Gucci is your style, then why not? The log carrier is 33.5 x 21.5 inches so it can fit most of your log needs (haha… still laughing). The outside is made of brown/black laser GG logo with black leather trim and suede interior. Ok, wow. Who needs to let their logs touch suede? Well if I have not sold you on this 'bag' yet, here comes the clincher. Marked down from $1350 the suede wood carrier is now only $539 at Gucci.

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